life is challenging. It's what you learn from the challenge that makes life so sweet.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So tonight my husband and I are going to finally have a date night. At home of coarse, but we are going to put the kids to bed early and watch the movie Valentine's Day. I must say, I am looking forward to this!! We get so caught up in the every day that we fail to think of each other. It is very important to keep your marriage strong. After all, it is the foundation to which your family started.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Yes!!! Payton is almost 3 mths now and is cheesin like crazy! It makes me feel so good to know that she is so happy and content. I don't know about anyone else, but when my babies were newborns, it was hard to feel as if you were doing a good job, because all they did was eat, sleep and poop. But now, she is gaining so much personality! I love it! Especially in the morning when she coos and smiles:) My son Patrick loves to make her laugh. It is hilarious! I wish my babies never grew up, lol!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Missing my kids

Well, today I woke up feeling a little overwhelmed. I had to be at work early today and stayed at work late last night. It makes me miss my kids so much. I feel guilty having to leave them all day, but I know they are in good hands. I just wish they were my hands:( Miss Riley woke up early as well, and we had a little bonding time before I had to head to work. I cherish those moments the most. Working sure makes you appreciate time spent with your kids.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This is a start to my blog. I will try to post new pictures as much as I can. Thanks for all who visit and drop a line to let me know you stopped by!